Mother Tongue Chinese Language
Objectives / Goals
- Active Learners, Proficient Communicators and Cultured Individuals
- To build a globally-minded community of passionate and future-ready learners
- To improve students’ learning and achievement that support the achievement of “personal best” in academic subjects
The department aims to make the learning of MT languages a joyful, meaningful and relatable experience by incorporating authentic learning in its curriculum. We also create a language-rich environment in the classrooms and school language corner to promote fun learning of Chinese language. | ||
Festival celebrations such as Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn, as well as annual Mother Tongue Fortnight are conducted with dedicated groups of Chinese and Malay students and staff members coming together to enjoy, learn and appreciate their Mother-Tongue languages and culture. | ||
In order to cultivate in all Yu Neng students, the joy of reading Chinese Languages books and newspapers, the Chinese Language Department came up with 2 initiatives, namely “A Date With Books” (与书有约) for our lower primary students and “News in Brief” (我知天下事) for our upper primary students. | ||
In addition, we provide platforms for students to expose to the Chinese Languages and cultures through both internal and external competitions, to allow students to gain experience and learn from their peers and from other schools. | ||
Students are selected to embark on Cultural Immersion Programs to China and / or Taiwan. Besides visiting historical and significant places of interest, the highlight of the program was the school immersion experience with the Chinese Primary School. Our students forged strong friendships with their Chinese counterparts as they attended lessons together and learnt together through different cultural enrichment programs such as calligraphy lesson and pottery lesson. Students have learnt to be independent and demonstrated the spirit of GR3IT values during the trip. Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, we continue to provide our students with meaningful cultural exchange with students from Beijing Doudian Primary School (北京窦店小学) virtually, where students learnt about the history and culture of each other. |